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更美好年代:手製文具創作筆記 The Making of "La Jeunesse"
  • 更美好年代:手製文具創作筆記 The Making of "La Jeunesse"

    “La Jeunesse”是一個香港的手製文具品牌,特色是以手製模式與傳統印刷技術,製作一系列揉合傳統與現代美學的紙品文具,2000年代中期由香港Sunrise Thunder Storm(晴天霹靂出版社)出版發行。目前筆記本系列已絕版,僅剩此書《更美好年代:手製文具創作筆記》少量流傳。


第一部分為La Jeunesse總監Benedict Leung與Kubrick店長的訪談。其中談到一套袖珍筆記本名為《53》、《63》、《630》,意即一本筆記本在重大的歷史事件將要發生的前夕,所記錄的事情。這套筆記本簡直是一件藝術作品的發想,一本讓人使用的"Artist Book"。

    第二部分從製作上解構“La Jeunesse”,逐一解說製作生產的細節,並邀請了漫畫家智海以插畫演繹。


    "La Jeunesse" is a stationery brand by Sunrise Thunder Storm Ltd in Hong Kong, mainly producing different kinds of notebooks and writing papers, handmade by letterpress printing. The series of stationery products blends traditional and modern esthetics with a fine quality that was rare in the mid-2000s when they were launched.


    Even when we enter our mid-life, when we use these notebooks, we still have a sense that "we are the youth of our times, and we are walking on to the bright future!"


    The series are now out of production, only left with the book The Making of "La Jeunesse" still available. 


    The book gives detailed accounts of all the notebook series, from the ideas to the productions.


    The book is divided in two parts. First is the interview with Benedict Leung, director of La Jeunesse, conducted by Kubrick Bookshop. Second is the production details with illustrations by Chihoi.

    • 書籍資訊

      《更美好年代 — 手製文具創作筆記》
      Benedict Leung
      14.4 x 19.4cm
      Sunrise Thunder Storm & Kubrick出版



    • Book Info

      The Making of "La Jeunesse"
      Benedict Leung
      108 Pages
      14.4 x 19.4cm
      Offset printing
      Text in Chinese
      Published by Sunrise Thunder Storm & Kubrick
      Printed in Hong Kong
      First edition 2007


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