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愚公移山 nosb:book書展 nos:books的中文名字是「挪石社」,成員就只有二人,就像是一直在搬石頭的人,這次將石頭搬到香港貘記,除了展售出版過的書籍外,將會展式兩位作者的原稿,Son Ni的Travel、智海的粉紅佛洛依德的。 Publisher ...

〖BERLIN〗Tell a rock to relax, we make it, 2015
Tell a rock to relax Things do not exist the way we perceive it, but in relation to and rely on one another. Artists bring about the...

〖BERLIN〗The Calabash Show, Motto Berlin, 2015
The Calabash Show Two independent publishers from Taiwan, ShenShen Books and nos:books, have arrived in Berlin to showcase their...

〖LONDON〗nos:books Book Launch+ The Calabash Gallery, Ti Pi Tin, 2014
nos:books Book launch+ The Calabash gallery We have a Book launch in London Ti pi Tin . Besides our books. The Calabash gallery will show...

〖TW〗跟葫蘆借空間, 下北沢世代, 2014
下北沢世代 ART P&P ( Press & Publish ) 年度企画 第一彈!nos:books「跟葫蘆借空間」 下北沢世代 ART P&P ( Press & Publish ) 企画 自2014年8月開始,「下北沢世代」將不止介紹有趣的讀物給您,最新系列企画「A...

〖TW〗nos:books放血日, 眼鏡咖啡+blahblahblah, 2012
nos:books at 眼鏡咖啡 nos:books at blahblahbla 那個男人帶著暴風雨前來,他站在門口讓雨水從大衣上滴下,雨水像錢幣型溼疹一樣滴到地上擴散一大圈。 他拿出一個乾扁扁的塑膠袋,「可以幫我用這個做一個皮包嗎?」...

〖TW〗Bed and Mountains, Chihoi Solo Exhibition, 2010
Bed and Mountains Chihoi flash solo exhibition May 15th, 2010 / 23:00pm-24:00am May. 15th 23:00pm Opening presented by nos:books #EVENT
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